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Welding Helmets Explained

Because welding is a risky profession, a welder wears a welding helmet at all times to protect their head, face, and eyes from UV rays, infrared light, and heat. For any welder, it is like their shadow – an extension of themselves.

There are various types of welding helmets available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. There are also many factors to consider when deciding which type of helmet is right for you. Here are some of the most common types:

Passive welding helmet

This type of helmet is the simplest and the most affordable option available. It has a fixed shade lens that is typically a #10 shade. This helmet offers basic protection and is suitable for welding tasks that do not require precision or intricate work.

Pros: Passive welding helmets are affordable and straightforward to use. They are also durable and require minimal maintenance.

Cons: The fixed shade lens may not provide adequate protection for certain welding tasks, and it can be challenging to see through the helmet in low light environments.

Auto-darkening welding helmet

This type of helmet has a lens that automatically darkens when the welder strikes an arc, providing instant protection from harmful UV and IR rays. Auto-darkening helmets come in different shade ranges and are suitable for various welding tasks.

Pros: Auto-darkening helmets offer better visibility and are more convenient to use than passive helmets. They allow the welder to see clearly during setup and positioning and switch between tasks more quickly.

Cons: Auto-darkening helmets are more expensive than passive helmets, and they require batteries or a power source to operate. They are also heavier than passive helmets and can be uncomfortable to wear for extended periods.

Respirator welding helmet

This type of helmet has a built-in respirator that protects the welder from hazardous fumes and particles that are released during welding. It is suitable for welding tasks that produce a high concentration of fumes and particles.

Pros: Respirator welding helmets provide excellent protection against harmful fumes and particles, and they eliminate the need for a separate respirator. They are also convenient to use and can be adjusted to fit the welder’s face.

Cons: Respirator welding helmets are more expensive than other types of welding helmets, and they can be heavy and uncomfortable to wear for long periods. They also require regular maintenance and replacement of the filter cartridges.

Powered air-purifying respirator (PAPR) welding helmet

These helmets have a built-in PAPR system that provides filtered air to the welder. This allows the welder to work in environments with high levels of fumes and other hazardous particles. The main advantage of PAPR helmets is their superior protection, but they tend to be the most expensive and bulky option.

Pros: PAPR welding helmets provide welders with superior protection from fumes, dust, and other hazardous particles. The helmet has a built-in PAPR system that filters the air and provides fresh, clean air to the welder, reducing the risk of inhaling harmful substances. Additionally, PAPR welding helmets are designed to be more comfortable for the welder to wear for extended periods. The helmet is usually lighter and more balanced than other types of welding helmets, and the PAPR system reduces the need for the welder to wear a separate respirator.

Cons: PAPR welding helmets are generally more expensive than other types of welding helmets due to the additional features and equipment required for the PAPR system. Furthermore, they can be bulkier and heavier than other types of welding helmets, which can be uncomfortable for some welders, especially when working in tight spaces. PAPR systems can also be noisy, which may be distracting or uncomfortable for some welders.

Grinding & welding helmet

This type of helmet has a clear lens that is suitable for grinding and other non-welding tasks. It is a versatile option for welders who need to switch between welding and grinding tasks frequently.

Pros: Grinding welding helmets are versatile and convenient to use, and they offer excellent visibility during grinding tasks. They also protect the welder’s face from flying debris.

Cons: Grinding welding helmets are not suitable for welding tasks that require a darker shade lens, and they are typically more expensive than passive helmets.

Overall, the choice of welding helmet depends on the welder’s needs and the type of welding tasks they perform. It is essential to choose a helmet that provides adequate protection and comfort while also fitting within your budget.

Benefits Of Weld Fume Extraction In The Workplace

Many employees all across the world spend the majority of their days at work. Therefore, it is the responsibility of business owners to make sure that the working environment is conducive to being safe and comfortable for their employees. A safe workplace is crucial for every employee’s productivity, health, and increased staff effectiveness on the job.

Especially in high-risk industries like mining and manufacturing, workplace safety should be a top priority. These industries use the welding process quite frequently, exposing everyone in the zone to harmful fumes which can affect the respiratory system and adversely impact their health and safety.

Particulate matter of hazardous metals like aluminum and lead and gases like argon, nitrogen, hydrogen fluoride, and carbon monoxide can be detected in welding fumes. Long-term exposure to these fumes can cause a number of cancers, including lung, throat, and urinary tract cancer.

Employers are accountable for the workplace environment, safety precautions, and how machine operations are carried out. Observing the regulations set forth by OSHA, AWS, and NIOSH, you can guarantee the health and safety of your personnel.

Fume extraction systems are an excellent solution for such workplace issues, particularly in the manufacturing industry. If your work is more welding-oriented and involves the production of hazardous fumes, consider investing in a suitable welding fume extractor.

What Is A Welding Fume Extractor?

Weld fume extraction systems are tools utilized to remove welding fumes produced when working with metals used in welding applications. The use of a vacuum mechanism is to suck the fumes from the source of production such that the toxic fumes do not get an opportunity to escape into the welding room or other functioning areas.

This equipment is usually made for industrial purposes. Fixed suction systems are mainly designed and conceptualized by industry-leading companies in accordance with the needs of the customer to create a perfect plan for extracting the Welding sparks and smokewelding fumes through the insertion of airflow pipes that will filter the air to purify and reuse in the same environment.

Additionally, a number of different designs are available for the assembly of the mechanical arms that provide the suction depending on their length and the perimeter of the surface where the welding process will take place.

Applications Of Welding Fume Extraction Systems

Every job that requires welding or the creation of small particles and toxic fumes can use a fume extraction system.

Methods Of Weld Fume Extraction

An efficient fume extraction system will protect workers from health hazards by keeping dangerous fumes below the prescribed levels. Select a welding fume extraction system manufactured and designed to meet your work-specific requirements.

This diversity of requirements is why we have different fume extraction methods that can fit different needs. The five most prevalent techniques are as follows:

1. Portable welding fume extractor

Portable weld fume extractors have a filter fitted inside a frame with casters. It consists of a snorkel or an arm attached to a blower. It requires the snorkel to be placed at the center to be effective. Therefore, as the object being welded moves, the arm must be moved too. It also requires frequent filter changes.

2. Self-contained downdraft tables

In a self-contained downdraft table, the filters are placed inside the table, and the blower pulls air from the environment. This technique has the minimum installation requirements and costs just as much as a portable welding fume extractor. Self-contained downdraft tables are the safest solution for welding and grinding purposes.

3. Empty downdraft tables

These rely on the operations of a central fume and dust collector to take the collected air away from the operator into an external collector. They are not ducted and do not need power. One major strength of this technique is that empty downdraft tables are highly customizable and flexible but bring on a lot of additional expenses in installation and scalability.

4. Central fume and dust collectors

Empty downdraft tables are ducted to central fume and dust collectors. They do not need much maintenance as filters will typically only require an annual change although this will vary depending on the type of metal being welded, and the presence of oil on the metal surface.

5. Hanging ambient air cleaners

Hanging ambient air cleaners work as a secondary cleaning system to remove the leftover residues of harmful fumes after the primary solutions. The units are typically installed 12-14 feet above the ground, either suspended from the ceiling or mounted on a wall. Generally, they are an affordable and quick solution.

Why Is Welding Fume Hazardous?

Welding processes first appear to be safe. Simply uses heat to join two or more metal components, right? But several risks are involved, many of which are directly connected to the air you breathe. Welding fumes are hazardous due to the welding particles they contain, which are the source of airborne contaminants, such as:

  • Carbon Dioxide
  • Ozone
  • Sulfur Dioxide
  • Nitrogen Oxides
  • Lead
  • Aluminum Oxides

If you are unsure how these chemicals affect you, let us list the problems for you. Long and short-term exposure to these chemicals is linked to a number of health issues, including:

  • Throat Cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Respiratory issues
  • Nervous system damage
  • Vision problems
  • Acute Pneumonia
  • Fume fever

Welding fumes contain carcinogenic chemicals in high amounts that might result in malignant tumors in the body. As understood from the discussion above, these compounds have a harmful effect on the human body, both mentally and physically. In general, a number of variables, including genetic predisposition or environmental effects and personal immunity, influence the risk of developing cancer. This is why we do not have an exact quantified count of the impact these substances can have. However, there is evidence that the risk of cancer rises with increasing exposure to these dangerous compounds in welding fumes.

Many studies have discovered that welders have a higher chance of developing lung cancer because of long hours of exposure.

What To Consider Before Choosing A Fume Extractor

To maintain exposure at or below an acceptable level, it’s crucial to consider the work conditions, practices, and risks in the welding applications in your facility before beginning to choose a welding fume extraction system. Man welding Weld fumes extraction systems need to be placed correctly and used with necessary guidelines based on the specific requirements of the space in order to ensure effectiveness.

When buying a welding fume extractor, you can ask yourself the following questions for a better idea of which type of fume extractor will work for your office.

  • What is the size of your workshop or office where the welding process will happen?
  • How much welding is likely to take place?
  • What government-suggested regulations need to be met?
  • Does the filter meet your application requirements?
  • Is the fume extractor system flexible?
  • Is the fume extractor system friendly for operators?
  • Does the equipment meet the required level of airflow?

Benefits Of A Welding Fume Extractor

One of the best methods that guarantee safety in industrial environments through low exposure to hazardous fumes is to have fume extraction systems in the workplace. Employees can have efficient productivity in a safe working environment. Listed below are more such advantages linked to the operation of a fume extraction system in the workplace.

Improved Air Quality

Many offices in high-risk industries have poor air quality. It could harm your health if you or your employees spend most of the day in such a setting. However, you may enhance the quality of air and make your workplace healthier for everyone by using a weld fume extractor. The fume extractors function by collecting all of the fumes produced throughout the welding and manufacturing operations and releasing them into the air.

Improved Worker Productivity

Workers typically perform better when they are comfortable and in good health. Because a weld fume extractor minimizes welding fumes, you may give your staff a healthier working environment. Additionally, the team will take fewer days off, ultimately saving you money.

Improved Employee Morale

As they say, happy employees are productive employees. Your employees will immensely appreciate the safety precautions you take since they will see that you are concerned about their welfare. That can significantly improve everyone’s mental health and foster a positive work environment. This will be a step towards a better employer-employee relationship and building trust.

Reduced Absenteeism

A healthy workforce is directly related to a healthy workplace and lower absenteeism. As production increases, truancy will be lower, which is crucial for any organization. The majority of businesses are supposed to provide medical insurance for their staff members. If the workplace is unsafe and unsanitary, the expenses of treatment and medication for staff members as a result of the absence of a fume extraction filter could be quite high.

Healthier Work Environment

We all know that welding processes produce dangerous gases. Every welding procedure has some amount of fumes, and these gases can do a lot of harm if not handled carefully. Installing welding fume extractors in the welding area helps to ensure that all gases are quickly taken away from people before they can affect employees physically. The smaller the particles, the more dangerous they are. Fume extractors are essential to every welding sector for this reason.

Superior Weld Quality

The constant presence of fumes has an impact on the weld quality. The welds may become porous if the fumes are not sufficiently removed, resulting in weak and brittle joints. However, since a fume extractor will eliminate all dangerous vapors, you can enhance the weld quality.

Prevention of Corrosion

A number of corrosive gases are released in the office air during welding. These pollutants can also harm the surfaces and equipment in the office. Using a weld fume extractor in the workplace can be helpful in preventing metal pieces from corroding. Many industrial-grade fume extractors can assist in reducing corrosion.

Equipment Longevity

As mentioned above, the equipment used at work can also are impacted by the fumes created by welding. The equipment may be damaged and have a shorter lifespan due to the corrosive nature of welding fumes. Due to a fume extractor’s ability to eliminate corrosion, you can prolong the life of the machinery.


The benefits of fume extraction systems at a workplace are not restricted to workers only; they also benefit the company. In addition to reducing risks of illnesses, workers in a safe and healthy atmosphere will also be more attentive and energized. Additionally, workers have a tendency to be more self-assured in their surroundings at work, which benefits the people around them.

Employers must understand that even while a fume extraction system may appear to be unnecessary, the consequences of not having one will cost more. Therefore, it is only wise to install a fume extractor and watch your workers progress, as does your company.

Fume Extraction Systems – How Does a Fume Extractor Work?

Do you ever stop to think about how your daily life would be different without industrial dust or fume collectors? Probably not, but the truth is that these systems play a vital role in keeping our air clean, especially in places like trade schools and welding labs.

In this blog post, we will take a closer look at how industrial dust collectors work and what benefits they provide. Keep reading for more information!

What is An Industrial Fume Extractor, And What Do They Do?

Industrial fume extractors are devices that are used to remove harmful fumes and particles from the air in industrial settings. These extractors typically consist of a fan and multiple fume extraction filters, and they can be used to remove a variety of different types of contaminants, including dust, smoke, and chemicals.

Industrial fume extractors are typically installed in factories, laboratories, and other industrial workplaces where there is a risk of exposure to harmful fumes. In many cases, these extractors are required by law in order to protect workers from the health risks associated with exposure to these fumes.

How Does a Fume Extractor Work And What Are The Benefits Of a Contained Filtration System?

A man welding and surrounded by harmful weld smoke

If you work with dangerous chemicals or pollutants on a regular basis, then you know how important it is to have adequate ventilation.

At its core, a fume extractor is a device that is used to remove harmful fumes and compounds from the air. This is achieved by drawing the polluted air through a series of filters, which trap the particles of smoke and fumes.

The purified air is then expelled back into the room, while the pollutants are collected in a disposable filter. Fume extractors are often used in laboratories and factories, where they can help to improve air quality and protect workers from harmful fumes. In some cases, fume extractors may also be used in homes, to remove smoke and other pollutants from the air.

Fume Extractor Benefits

Fume extractors can provide a number of benefits, including:

  • improved air quality
  • improved worker safety
  • increased comfort levels
  • reduced harmful particles in the air
  • reduced toxic fumes
  • reduced health risks

The Different Types Of Fume Extraction Systems

Here we will go over the three main types of fume extractions systems available on the market today and how these fume extractors work.

Benchtop Fume Extractors

A benchtop fume extractor is a small device that sits on top of a work table and helps to remove airborne contaminants from your work area. By creating a powerful airflow, it can pull fumes and dust particles away from your breathing zone, helping to improve air quality and protect your health.

Benchtop fume extractors are particularly useful for tasks that generate harmful fumes, such as soldering or welding. However, they can also be used for dust-intensive tasks such as sanding or grinding.

Mounted Fume Extractors

A mounted fume extractor is a stationary device that helps to remove fumes and other hazardous airborne particles from an environment. They can be mounted to the floor, a wall, or any elevated surface.

Mounted fume extractors are commonly used in factories and other industrial settings, but they can also be used in homes and offices. When choosing a fume extractor, it is important to select a unit that is appropriate for the size of the room and the types of fumes that need to be removed.

Portable Fume Extractors

Portable units are typically smaller, making them easy to move from one location to another. Some portable fume extractors also have wheels, which makes them even easier to transport.

Common particles that are extracted include dust, pollen, and smoke. They are a great solution for workshops that conduct work in multiple different locations.

How Can You Choose The Right Industrial Fume Collector For Your Needs?

There are a few things you’ll want to consider when choosing an industrial dust collector.

  • First, think about the size of the areas you’ll be using it in. You’ll need a unit that’s powerful enough to effectively clean the air in those spaces.
  • Second, consider the type of dust or hazardous particles you’ll be dealing with. Some industrial dust collectors are designed for specific types of particles, so you’ll want to make sure you get one that’s right for your needs.
  • Finally, take a look at the features offered by different models and choose the one that has the features you need.

What Are The Maintenance Requirements For Industrial Fume Collectors, And How Can You Ensure They Stay In Good Working Order?

In order to function properly, industrial fume collectors need to be regularly maintained. The most important part of this maintenance is ensuring that the filters are changed on a regular basis.

Depending on the type of collector and the level of use, filters may need to be changed every few months or every year. In addition, it’s important to regularly clean the interior of the collector and to check the fans for any buildup of dust or dirt.

By following these simple maintenance steps, you can ensure that your fume collector will continue to work effectively for years to come.

Top Applications Of Industrial Fume Extractor In Welding Workplace

The technique of welding is quite a dangerous process, not just in terms of how it is performed but also in terms of the effect it has on everyone nearby. The fumes emitted during welding create health problems and lower the quality of production.

As a result, disturbances and health problems in the workers increase, while the working capacity and profits decrease. 

A responsible welding business owner should definitely make an investment in equipment that can handle these hazardous fumes before they cause any harm. The industrial fume extractor is one such tool.

What is an industrial fume extractor?

During many industrial processes like arc welding, thermal cutting, sanding, spraying, grinding, and powder filling, harmful particles are created and emitted in the room in various forms. Most of the time, they are created as fumes and therefore spread across the room almost instantly, being inhaled by the workers. Many international health organizations recognize the need to provide employees with safe indoor air quality to prevent them from acquiring serious health problems.  

An industrial fume extractor is a piece of equipment that utilizes high-powered fans to remove harmful fumes and smoke that are produced during such industrial processes. When it comes to welding workplaces, the metals used in welding applications produce welding fumes which must be removed using welding fume extractors. 

The metal vapors produced during the welding process are carcinogenic and if not appropriately removed from the breathing zone, can have harmful long-term effects on the people working in that zone. The gases from welding processes also pose a threat to workers on the floor.

Different types of welding fume extractors use different types of filters like HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) or activated carbon filters to improve indoor air quality, lowering the possibility of major respiratory problems. 

One main advantage of welding fume extraction systems is that they are cost-effective as they recirculate the same air after removing the particles, thereby, eliminating the need to buy expensive replacement air.

What is welding fume made of?

Metallic oxides, silicates, and fluorides make up the complicated composition of welding smoke. Particles are created when a metal is heated beyond its boiling point, causing its vapors to condense into very small particles. Welding gases are also added to the fumes during the welding process. They should be caught close to the source and filtered because they are all very toxic to humans.

Health hazards related to welding fumes

We already know that the fumes produced by industrial welding processes are hazardous. 

They contain hexavalent chromium, hydrochloric acid, formaldehyde, and lead oxide. When inhaled, these can cause problems as small as a headache to chronic problems like asthma and cancer. 

Let us take a look at the short-term and long-term health effects of exposure to welding fumes.

Short-term health effects

  • Exposure to metal vapors in welding workplaces can cause metal fume fever. The symptoms can start appearing around four to twelve hours after exposure and may include chills, thirst, fever, muscle aches, chest pain, coughing, wheezing, exhaustion, and nausea.
  • Smoke from welding can irritate the respiratory system, chest, nose, and eyes. As a result, you can be at risk of developing respiratory issues like pneumonitis, bronchitis, pulmonary edema, coughing, and wheezing. Effects on the digestive system have also been reported by the workforce in the welding industry.
  • Some welding fumes consist of hazardous substances like cadmium, which can prove to be fatal. Additionally, while welding, several gases can develop, including ozone and nitrogen oxides, both of which are fatal at high concentrations. Another dangerous gas that has been found in these toxic fumes is phosphorus.

Long-term health effects

  • Lung, throat, and urinary tract cancer are all more common in welders.
  • Bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, pneumonia, pneumoconiosis, lower lung capacity, silicosis, and siderosis are examples of chronic respiratory conditions that regular exposure to welding fumes can cause.
  • Heart disease, skin conditions, gastritis, gastroduodenitis, kidney damage, and ulcers are a few additional issues associated with welding.
  • Welders, particularly those who work with stainless steel, have also been found to have reproductive issues such as delayed contraception and an increase in miscarriages.

Benefits of welding fume extractors in the welding workplace

The process of fabricating and cutting metal can be made safer and more effective with the help of a welding fume extractor. Fume extraction systems can quickly sanitize the room, clear the work environment of dangerous fumes and other dust particles, and restore appropriate levels of indoor air quality. When the fume is dealt with quickly, many dangers are avoided or at least reduced and the product’s quality is also increased. The advantages of welding fume removal applications can be summed up as follows:

  • It reduces the negative impacts of welding fumes on health.
  • It increases the level of product quality as well as worker efficiency.
  • It ensures a safe and secure workplace for employees.
  • Because of better overall efficiency, profits also increase.

Types of fume extractors

There are three main types of fume industrial fume extractors:

Welding system fume extractors

These are made for the welding industry in movable and stable units. Their job is to extract carcinogenic elements like beryllium, lead, aluminum, and gases like argon, carbon dioxide, hydrogen fluoride, and more from the welding fumes to render a safe workplace for welders.

Fixed fume extraction systems

These are typically designed to suit large workspaces. They have the same function as any other fume extractor but are more complex and heavy, and therefore, require engineers to set up their hoods, arms, and filters. They are also comparatively more expensive.

Source capture fume extraction 

These are often portable and capture the harmful particles at the source of their origin. These include benched extractors, enclosed-mounted extractors, wall-mounted extractors, etc.

Types of fume extraction filters 

Filters used in fume extractions can be made of different materials like cellulose or cellulose blend, non-woven composites of microfibers, non-woven polyester, activated carbon, and so on. They are rated according to the particle size they filter, as well as their efficiency in doing so through MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) rating. These standards of rating are set by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning.

Some examples include HEPA filters, ASHRAE filters, and ULPA filters. 

These filters trap particles using four main methods:

  • Impact– Particles that are large in size get trapped in the pleated fibers of the filter and eventually, fall.
  • Interception– Medium-sized particles are able to pass the fibers but get trapped in microfibers.
  • Diffusion– The smallest particles are first slowed down using the principles of Brownian motion by interfering with their flow with the introduction of other molecules, and are eventually trapped using interception. 
  • Electrostatic attraction– This uses the idea of positive and negative charges. Opposite charges attract each other. The particles in welding fumes are attracted to the filter fibers and therefore, get trapped in its media.

Applications of welding fume extraction

As is understood from the above discussion, welding fume extraction is a necessary process in welding workplaces. It helps in smoke filtration, leaving safe and healthy indoor air quality for the employees to work in. 

This process is applied in processes of laser making, oxyacetylene welding, electroslag welding, spot and seam welding, resistance welding, brazing, soldering, and more.

Welding fume extraction at source

It has been seen that fume extraction at the source is the best and the most effective way to capture and remove welding smoke and related substances. Of course, this can be done only if the setup of the industry sees it as a viable solution. By using this technique, you can drastically reduce the chances of keeping operators and workers exposed to harmful gases.

Using this technique correctly requires a comfortably positioned fume extractor with good quality extraction hoods and a mindful worker who will know how to position the hood such that it takes the fumes away from their breathing zone and work premises.

An at-source welding fume extractor also has applications of its own that benefit the workplace and create a healthy working environment.

Extraction arms

With an average extraction volume of 500-1000 CFM, the extraction arm effectively helps remove welding fume close to the source. They must be able to reach a distance of at least twenty feet. Its different styles and design can fit different applications depending on the workplace, and whether they are needed on mobile or stationary vacuums. 

On-torch and fume guns

Sometimes, when the use of extraction arms is not viable due to a large envelope, extraction is done at the end of the welding torch. But as an alternative, fume guns can also be used for extraction in both mobile and stationary units. 

Robotic welding

Equipment that is handled by a welder is also automated now. Fume extraction at the source can be applied to semi-automatic or completely automatic robotic welding processes with the help of extraction arms or extraction hoods.

Thermal cutting processes

Thermal cutting processes include the use of oxyfuel, air carbon arc gouge, plasma arc cutting, and laser beam cutting. These procedures may be applied in many settings, ranging from a small bench to a large room. Some of the by-products of these procedures include high heat, molten metal, and fume particulate. While extraction of these fumes in such processes has been done through grates of a cutting table, near source extractions are also a possible solution. 

Energy saving systems

A welding fume extractor is cost-effective equipment. They save a great deal of energy and operation costs. Therefore, in stationary units that complement energy-saving practices, in-torch fume extraction can be used. One can find fume extractors that are priced effectively and reduce energy exhaustion from welding units.

Its application also extends to some arc welding processes like:

  • Submerged arc welding (SAW)
  • Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW)
  • Metal inert gas welding (MIG Welding)
  • Flux-cored arc welding (FCAW)
  • Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW or stick welding)
  • Soldering
  • Spot welding and seam welding
  • Electroslag welding
  • Brazing 


Without a doubt, welding fume extractions are not just an effective tool but necessary equipment to keep at your workplace, especially if you work in dangerous industries and with harmful substances. If you can find the right design and the right technology that suits your business, you will be on the way to creating a more profitable and safer work environment that all your employees will appreciate and so will you.

How To Customize Your Welding Hood

When two or more pieces are melted together during manufacturing, the connection is formed as the components cool under the effect of heat, compression, or even both. The most common materials for welding are metals and plastic. However, wood can also be utilized. A weldment is a term used to describe the finished welded connection.

There are many risks associated with the welding environment. To prevent infrared rays, UV light, dirt, flames, and extreme heat from damaging their body, workers must keep their eyes, hair, and skin covered. Along with other skin and facial injuries, welding can lead to a disease known as photokeratitis, which is a burn to the eye. Due to these risks, welding safety equipment is crucial and required.

You could use more shielding than just welding safety eyewear for the majority of welding tasks. For cutting, polishing, or brazing, safety goggles are advised. They provide only basic safety against flames, light, dust, and occasional impact. Helmets and welding hoods provide more effective security, but each has a specific use. Read along to learn more about welding hoods and how to customize your welding helmet.

The Process of Welding

Fusion of Metals

Welding is an excessive heat procedure that dissolves the base material, аѕ compared to brazing and soldering, which do not,  usually with the use of a filler substance. Intense temperature creates a molten metal pool during welding, which then chills to form a connection that may be sturdier than the main metal. In addition to temperature, a force can also be applied alone or in combination with it to create a weld. In order to prevent contamination or oxidation of the molten and filler metals, it is also possible to use a shielding gas.

Fusion of Plastics 

Prior to applying heat or pressure, the areas must first be primed, and then the materials must cool so that fusion can occur. Based on the particular procedure employed, joining techniques for plastics can be divided into exterior and internal heating techniques.

Fusion of Wood

The elements are joined by heat produced by movement in wood welding. Prior to a linear friction motion that generates heat to bind the workpieces firmly, the materials that need to be connected are put under a lot of pressure. This quick method enables wood to be bonded in a matter of a few seconds without the need for glue or nails.

The Welding Hood

Among the most important protective gear welders need is a welding helmet, often known as a “hood.” In addition to strong sparks, a proper hood can shield the skin and eyes from the arc’s sometimes blinding infrared and ultraviolet radiation.

Welding helmets allow users to add a unique touch to their welder gear since it is amongst the most noticeable safety apparel items. With all that in mind, various colors and designs are offered for modern welding hoods. The protective capabilities of a hood, together with comfort factors, are what welders should consider when choosing the best helmet for their purposes even though these cosmetic characteristics attract attention. For a complete day of work, a welding helmet must be lightweight, balanced, and allow for adjustability while shielding the wearer’s face and eyes from flames, debris, and damaging light rays.

The functionality of hoods today is significantly higher than it was a decade ago. They are made to meet the unique requirements of welders on any assignment. All must adhere to high safety requirements worldwide, even the cheapest ones. 

For individuals that do not need something particularly impressive from their PPE but yet need to be protected from welder risks, welding hoods are the perfect option. They are among the most popular kinds of welding safety available, and for valid reasons, are dependable and effective. Effortless pieces of equipment with permanent shading and passive protective lens are welder hoods. The hood can flip upward or downward so that you can always glance at your task without having to take off all of your protective gear, and the glasses are coated to guard against UV light emissions.

Important Factors To Take Into Account When Selecting A Welding Helmet

1. Do I Require A Lens With A Single Standard Shade Or A Changeable Shade?

Conventional welding hoods, often known as passive welding hoods, have seeing lenses with fixed UV and IR filters. Regardless of how much amps the light emits from the weld, this filter provides the very same level of security. Whenever a welder is prepared to work, he will have to quickly snap his neck or nod to turn the welding helmet down while holding the flame in place. The welder must elevate the welding helmet after work is finished to see.

Standard hoods with fitted lenses have various disadvantages despite frequently being affordable. After securing the welders hood, it could take a little practice for a novice welder to maintain the flame steadily and in the proper position. There might not be room to move around or slide a hood up or down if you’re welding in a limited place. The additional time required to raise and drop a hood can affect your efficiency.

2. How About Changing the Speed?

Once welding starts, a lens quickly changes from its normal condition to a color 3 or 4, and this speed is typically stated in rates. An initial switching speed may result in visual fatigue by the end of the day because your work involves welding over several hours at a stretch. If so, think about selecting a welding hood with an intermediary or expert-level switching speed.

3. Solar Energy, Batteries, or Both?

Auto-darkening hoods come in a wide range of power configurations. Some have solar assistance panels and, inside, non-changeable batteries. Some solar-powered devices have removable batteries. Some companies provide lithium batteries that are excellent for improved battery life but generally less available than AAA batteries. And lithium batteries are more expensive. Before they could be used, certain hoods with solar assist panels need to charge in full sunlight. The choice is likely subjective, but pick AAA battery powered for its widespread availability and low cost of battery replacement. Lithium batteries have a longer lifespan.

4. How Important Is Helmet Weight?

Yes. With prolonged usage, a lightweight welding hood will lessen neck stress and fatigue. The heaviness of the helmet you choose will mostly rely on how long you intend to use it daily and how all other criteria are combined. A welding hood should be as lightweight as possible given your budget if welding is your main job.

5. Where does Individual Preference Come in?

All welding hoods are made to shield users from the UV and infrared radiation that welding arcs can release. Nevertheless, there are lots of choices available. The first thing to consider is whether you’ll be using the hood for a variety of tasks or just one particular one. 

Cost, weight, seeing lens, and other factors come into play in addition. Most importantly, pick a hood that you could wear comfortably for a lengthy period of time, if necessary. The extra effort spent finding the ideal fit can increase output and improve the caliber of welds.

If you’re taking welding training, it’s possible that some of your classmates may be sporting custom welding helmets. Some people might have painted comical figures, flowers, and skulls on their hoods.

You can customize your welding helmet today to make it look more stylish and attention-grabbing, as many welding hoods come in dark gray and gloomy black. Do you wish to give impressive welding helmet makeovers? The issue remains when you choose to decorate your custom welding helmets: how to go about doing it?

Steps To Customize Your Welding Hood

Step 1: Make Your Design Decisions First

Have an idea in your head before you begin painting your hood. For example, be sure you’ve got shades if you want to color a dragon on your hood. Get some templates if you’re unsure about how to design it yourself.

Step 2: Gather Items

Prior to starting, gather the necessary supplies:

  • A welding mask
  • An anti-fire primer
  • A protective paint coat that is transparent
  • A brush
  • Your favorite hue of fire-resistant paint in a can or bottle

Fire-resistant paint and primer are required. There is a higher risk and possibility of your welding helmet catching fire if you are not utilizing fire-retardant materials.

Step 3: Remove the Lens and the Headpieces

You might hear from certain folks that you don’t need to remove the headwear and lens. The majority of welders who paint their hoods just tape off the headpiece and lens and start painting. Paint and primer can readily infiltrate your helmet and lens, especially if you have a good seal with the tape. One way to avoid this unpleasant situation is to remove the headpiece and lens before you begin to color and prime. You shouldn’t worry because it’s not as difficult as it might seem. 

If you try removing some headwear and lenses from the welding hood, they will often come out. It’s quick, simple, and won’t damage your welding helmet. If you’re unsure of how to remove your helmet’s headpiece and lens, consult the directions.

You wouldn’t like to risk damaging your welding helmet because each one is unique. Put away these two things if you have separated them. They ought to be kept away from paints and primers. Of course, you might not want to accidentally spray paint on your headpiece or your lenses because it could damage them.

Step 4: Substitute Your Hood

If you’re prepared to start painting, start by giving your welding helmet an undercoat. There are only a few simple steps. If it’s been a while since you cleaned your welding helmet, do it now.

Your hood will be in the best shape possible as a result. Your welding hood may be cleaned in under 10 minutes. Just remove all the dust and dirt with a soft, rigid brush. Next, use some water and a delicate cloth to wipe your hood.

Take a brush or disc and start brushing along the front of the hood to the back as quickly as it has completely dried off. Any extra dust or debris that might adhere to your welding hood will be removed.

This step helps remove any polish or gloss that might be already present on your welding hood. Apply a fire-resistant primer to your hood after thoroughly washing it. Although some people argue that a primer is unnecessary, it ensures that your hood is in excellent shape, prolonging the paint’s lifespan.

Step 5: Spray Your Hood with Paint

You’ve finally arrived at the most exciting stage of painting your welding hood: the paint job! 

Spray a lucid coat first to your welding hood. The layer can be neutral, like white, to make it easier to apply your chosen color. Spray the other color when the coat has had time to desiccate.

When you’re all set to give your hood a paint job of your chosen color, simply dip your paintbrush into the color and spread it out evenly and delicately. It’s imperative to be cautious when painting your welding hood, regardless of the type of paint chosen.

Step 6: Allow it to Dry Up

After the paint job, make sure to give your hood’s paint enough time to desiccate. It will ensure that the color has adhered properly to the material. In this technique, adding a top coat for extra shine is perfectly alright. And with that, your custom helmet is ready! 

Types of Welding Hoods based on Function

Passive hoods and auto-dark hoods are the two main types of welding helmets. Essentially, these two primary kinds form the basis for all other types.

Passive Welding Hoods

The most popular and frequently used welding hoods are passive hoods. These helmets are praised for their enormous variety of forms, patterns, and sturdy construction. An excellent passive hood will provide a reliable defense against glaring sunlight, UV and IR radiation, sparks, gasses, and flying items. Now let’s examine the two types of passive helmets:

Hoods for Fixed Shade Welding

Fixed-shade passive welding hoods have a single-shade lens built into the helmet, as the name implies. The drawback is that you will need to continuously nod the hood down and up as the arc begins and ends, despite the fact that it does offer a wide viewing region and is quite economical. Additionally, it’s not the best helmet for tasks involving plasma slicing or crushing. 

Adjustable Lens Helmet That Flips Up

With this type of helmet, you simply have to move the upper lid down and up rather than the complete shell, greatly reducing head strain. You can inspect your weld or perform grinding without having to move the shell whenever you lift up the panel since the lens beneath stays in place to give you ordinary visibility. 

Helmets for passive welding have the following benefits:

  • Passive welding hoods are incredibly durable materials that can last many years.
  • The least expensive welding hoods are available.
  • Suitable for chopping and polishing tasks as well as medium amperage welding operations.
  • Ideal for experts and do-it-yourselfers who don’t want to keep fiddling with lens response or sensitivity levels to acquire reliable protection.
  • Low cost of replacing the lens.

The best equipment is available in auto-darkening welding helmets, which are equipped with Auto-Darkening Filter (ADF) lenses. The hood’s glass automatically changes the visibility level whenever the arc is activated.

It removes the need to continuously move the welding helmets or flick the lid up or down. Despite the exorbitant price tag of these hoods, they are worthwhile if you often work on various welding jobs and substances, from straightforward repairs to heavy-duty, elevated arc welding.

Helmets with fixed shades

Such an auto-darkening welding helmet combines the ease of auto-darkening with the affordability of permanent shade hoods into a single product. Whenever it recognizes lighting from the arc in this situation, the ADF filter will fade to just a single shade.

When the arc ends, it’ll return to normal eyesight. A constant shade auto-darkening helmet will work perfectly if you just undertake fixed-amp welding tasks with a single type of material.

Welding helmets with adjustable shade.

On the other hand, if you operate in an industrial situation where you must weld various materials using various welding procedures, a permanent shade lens might be inconvenient. A changeable shade lens features two to four arc sensors activated when an arc is hit and changes the level of darkness depending on the arc type.

Auto darkening welding helmet that may be managed electronically and physically. Welding helmets with manual controls are more prevalent and often less costly than those with digital controls. The former’s color, intensity, and delay time can typically be changed using a knob.


Perhaps, after learning how to customize a welding helmet, you have acquired the knowledge you sought. By following the above-mentioned steps, you can accomplish it with ease. Grab your paintbrush and welder hood, and start customizing it right away! It’ll no longer be difficult to customize your welding hood.

What is Welding Fume extractor & How Does It Work

These days, every metal processor should be aware that welding fumes are hazardous. They are considered to be harmful fumes. However, one issue keeps coming up: what precisely are welding fumes? Even just looking at the composition reveals the dangers of welding gases and the importance of welding fume extraction. Another question that warrants our attention is “how does a welding fume extractor work?”.

Welding fume is a dangerous substance that causes significant problems to the respiratory system. The Bureau of Labor Statistics in the United States estimates that welding accidents cause injuries to more than 560,000 workers each year. Lung and respiratory conditions affect a significant number of them. Welders are sometimes required to wear gas masks to protect themselves from unintentionally breathing in any hazardous materials they work with.

That is not to imply that you should not wear a respirator while welding; fume extractors are primarily designed to remove potentially harmful airborne particles from the environment, thereby reducing the likelihood of becoming unwell. Due to the hazardous nature of welding gases, a fume extractor that can be relied upon is a vital component of welding equipment.

What are welding fumes?

“What exactly are welding fumes?” is another question that many welders still have today. Occupational safety is a vital component of every training program. It has nothing to do with the finest welding seam; it is a very esoteric issue for budding welders. This is precisely why understanding welding fumes is essential: it concerns your health. It is basically counted among the best fume extraction solutions. To begin, a few points: The base material of the workpiece being treated accounts for only 5% of welding gases. The processing of welding consumables accounts for about 95% of the total.


A welding fume extractor is used to remove welding fumes when working with metals for welding purposes. The welding process generates carcinogenic metal smoke that can have hazardous long-term repercussions if not removed from the breathing zone. Welding gases pose a threat to all workers on the shop floor.

The weld fume removal applications suited for the equipment used for welding fume extraction systems include those involving the removal of tiny dust particles. When the extraction arm of a welding fume extractor is positioned in the optimal position, it can regulate the quality of the air inside the building.

It can capture weld fume at the source when extraction units are positioned appropriately. These safeguards employees by preventing the spread of airborne particles and toxins into the surrounding environment. Also, developing a better indoor air quality local environment for yourself and the other workers who occupy the area.

Woman Welding

The following categories of welding fume extractors are among the most common types:

Portable Fume extractor

It is vital to understand what fumes are and the components that makeup fumes to appreciate the need for portable fume extractors. Fumes are particles of solid or liquid materials, including dangerous compounds (hazardous fumes), released into the air during processes such as cutting or welding. In addition to being composed of oxides of nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon, and sulfur, welding fumes also contain trace amounts of additional elements like aluminum, copper, and chromium.

It is extremely dangerous for anyone exposed to these fumes in an enclosed space like a garage or workshop. Clean the air in your work area, recirculate it, and remove any odors or gases present with a high-quality fume extractor. This is the ideal solution that will keep you and your loved ones secure.

Benchtop Fume Extractors

Such fume extractors are compact, and as a result, they are positioned directly on the work surface. Some of them include wings, making it possible to work in a more contained area without releasing as much exhaust. The usage of benchtop fume extractors is not only designed for small welding and soldering projects, but they also have a specialized place in nail salons.

Enclosure mounted fume extractors

Welding, painting, and other potentially hazardous activities are the most common uses for enclosure-mounted fume hoods. Some people call them fume hoods that fit within a cabinet or box. They are meant to trap harmful gases and fumes within the enclosed hood.

By removing the fumes from the welding area and the operator, an enclosure-mounted fume extractor helps minimize the risk of health problems caused by welding fumes. The issue of fume exposure can be solved by installing a fume extraction system; however, this does not guarantee that your workplace is safe. Ensure that your fume extractor is correctly installed and maintained and that it has an appropriate filtering unit to deal with the gases you’re trying to remove.

Understanding the physics of weld smoke isn’t that difficult. Welding fumes are a mixture of two or more particles (gas and tiny particles). Oxygen and metal vapors are emitted when the metal is heated to melting, and the welding process begins. These fumes are formed because the fumes are small enough to be inhaled.

How do Welding Fume Extractors Work?

Welding fumes can cause significant health problems if inhaled. These toxic fumes contain hazardous metals such as manganese, chromium, and zinc. In order to avoid severe sickness, welding fume extraction is essential. Fume extraction systems are meant to keep workers safe, but they are ineffective if they are used without a respirator or other face mask to protect them from the fumes.

The operation of a fume extraction system is fairly comparable to that of a conventional vacuum cleaner. The key difference is that these systems are designed to extract air rather than solid debris. They use a motor to generate a vacuum pressure, and inside the device, a turbine spins to generate electricity for gathering the fumes. A hose is used to bring the fumes inside the unit. Once inside, the fumes are filtered using a mechanism located within the unit.

The contaminated air is passed through one or more filters that make up the filtration system. These filters remove heavy material from the air. After that, the air is forced out through the unit in order to recirculate clean air throughout the space. However, not all systems for fume extraction operate in the same way. While some filters can be reused, others must be thrown away after each use. While other models do not have this feature, some actively clean the filter. Check To See If Your Fume Extraction System Meets All Of The Requirements!

The primary goal of installing welding fume extraction equipment is to reduce the amount of welding fume generated. The welding fume extraction arm is connected to the extraction unit using a duct. In the fume extraction unit, the fumes are filtered and cleansed before being sent back into the atmosphere.

The term “welding fume” refers to the gaseous emissions released into the air due to the welding process. These toxic gases might severely harm the eyes and respiratory system. Lung cancer, asthma-like symptoms, chronic bronchitis, and other major health concerns can result from smoking. With a welding fume extractor, hazardous vapors can be considerably reduced from entering the atmosphere.

Welding in a restricted location necessitates a welding fume evacuation system, which cannot be emphasized enough. Workplace exposure to welding gases has been linked to respiratory and other health issues. Fans and ventilation systems move welding fumes into the air, which often causes these problems. Using a welding fume extractor system reduces the number of fumes emitted into the workplace. This device can be placed before or after the arc is formed. Its components work together to keep the workplace free of toxic gases.

Why should you invest in fume extractors?

Welding is, without a doubt, one of the most hazardous tasks in the manufacturing business. It needs a significant amount of patience and an eye for detail, but it also necessitates a desire to adhere to the established guidelines for health and safety. It only takes one mistake, or the failure to wear the appropriate safety gear, for multiple people to be put in harm’s way. Before beginning any job, you must invest in a welding fume extractor. This is of the utmost importance.

If you don’t do this, you, your team, and possibly even members of the general public could be in danger. Both the extractors and the fans are quite simple to put up, and once they are, they will operate on their own while you weld. As a result, there is very little to no justification for not beginning to utilize one.


The use of a fume extractor may be beneficial to your health and the health and life of those around you. As a result, if you are planning to perform welding work but do not yet have a fan available to you, you highly recommend that you make such an adjustment as soon as possible.


CNC Machining is a process used in the manufacturing sector that involves the use of computers to control machine tools. Tools that can be controlled in this manner include lathes, mills, routers and grinders. The CNC in CNC Machining stands for Computer Numerical Control.

There are many advantages to using CNC Machining. The process is more precise than manual machining, and can be repeated in exactly the same manner over and over again. Because of the precision possible with CNC Machining, this process can produce complex shapes that would be almost impossible to achieve with manual machining. CNC Machining is used in the production of many complex three-dimensional shapes. It is because of these qualities that CNC Machining is used in jobs that need a high level of precision or very repetitive tasks.  Often water based coolants, semi-synthetic coolant, or an oil based coolant is applied by nozzles or flood emulsion to protect the tool and the workpiece.  This process produces a coolant mist, oily mist, and or oil smoke which is ideal for our Clean Air ZeroMist™ OM Series, Clean Air ZeroSmoke™ OS Series, or Clean Air ZeroSmoke™ HS Series.